セラミック 2022年:組立部品、半導体材料市場 – TECHCET

Ceramic: Fabricated Parts, Material Segment For Semi-Conductor Applications

Techcet「セラミック 2022年:組立部品、半導体材料市場 -Ceramic: Fabricated Parts, Material Segment For Semi-Conductor Applications」は原材料、市場シェア、市場予測、原材料サプライヤと生産能力など、セラミック市場のダイナミクスとサプライチェーンに関する詳細な情報を提供しています。

The Ceramics Report includes in-depth information on the ceramics market dynamics and supply chain, including raw materials. Market shares, market forecast as well as raw material suppliers and capacity are included. Technical trends and requirements are also included along with a full section of supplier profiles.





  1. エグゼクティブサマリー
    1. 材料セグメント事業概観
    2. アルミナ
    3. 窒化アルミナ(AIN)とSiC
    4. CVD SiC
    5. Al2O3 / HPA
    6. その他の材料
    7. M&A
    8. 概評
  2. 調査範囲、目的、メソドロジー
  3. 市場展望
  4. 材料市場の促進要因とダイナミクス
    1. セラミック材料の用途とサプライヤ
    2. 材料不足とサプライチェーンの圧迫
    3. 材料動向
    4. 技術的促進要因/材料の変化と変遷(2021年以降は重大な変化なし)
    5. 地域別動向/促進要因解説
    6. EHS、ロジスティクス、外因性(気候)でみる市場課題
  5. サプライヤ市場環境
  6. ティア2サプライヤの材料のサプライチェーン
  7. サプライヤ情報(ファブリケーター)

The Ceramics Report includes in-depth information on the ceramics market dynamics and supply chain, including raw materials. Market shares, market forecast as well as raw material suppliers and capacity are included. Technical trends and requirements are also included along with a full section of supplier profiles.




Kuang-Han Ke is TECHCET’s Senior Market Analyst covering consumable equipment components including quartz, silicon, and SiC/ceramics parts. He has over 25 years of semiconductor industry experience, including systems engineering design of four generations of plasma etch chambers for Applied Materials, leading to an installed base of nearly 10,000 chambers worth more than US$3.5 billion. He troubleshot etch, CVD, PVD, and CMP process equipment, was in charge of the semiconductor equipment and precision machine tools industries in the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan and was an expert adviser for the Taiwan


“Industry 4.0/Productivity 4.0” national initiative. At SEMI, he oversaw industry technology, standards, and market statistics in Taiwan. He taught semiconductor equipment courses at Yuan-Zi University. He has started 5 companies, mentored startup companies, participated in 3 IPOs in Taiwan, and is working on launching a satellite in 2022. He holds a M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University, a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and more than 10 patents.


Tim Dyer is also a TECHCET Senior Market Analyst covering consumable equipment components including alumina, beryllia, and aluminum nitride ceramic components and assemblies. Tim has both bachelor’s and master’s Degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Davis. He has worked for Elcon Precision in San Jose California for almost 8 years and assumed the role of President of Elcon Precision in January 2018.


Tim has over 30 years of product development experience in technical ceramics, refractory metals, and semiconductor capital equipment. Prior to Elcon, Tim worked as a Director of Process Engineering at Enovix Inc. making compact 3-D Silicon-based Lithium batteries for wearable electronics. He was also Chief Technology Officer and Ceramist
for Energy Recovery Inc, Director of Technology at Morgan Ceramics, and Manager of Laser Chamber Technology at ASML in San Diego. He currently holds 34 US patents and has published numerous technical papers that have helped shape best practices within the advanced ceramics, supply chain, and material sciences fields.

