The CBRS Market: 2024-2028
CBRS(市民ブロードバンド無線サービス)市場 2024-2028年
Our CBRS research suite provides in-depth analysis and evaluation of how operators, neutral hosts, and private network vendors are capitalising on the opportunities created by CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) spectrum sharing in the US.
The suite includes a data deliverable, sizing the market and providing key forecast data, comprising splits by market vertical for CBSD (Citizens Broadband Radio Service Device) deployments. The market verticals included are Energy, Oil & Gas, Fixed Wireless Access, Government & Public Sector, Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing, Mining.
Also included is a complete assessment of the key trends, challenges, and recommendations for stakeholders. The research suite is a comprehensive tool for understanding this rapidly emerging market, allowing stakeholders throughout the CBRS ecosystem to effectively shape their future strategies.
Juniper Research Interactive Forecast Excel contains the following functionality:
- Statistics Analysis: Users benefit from the ability to search for specific metrics, displayed for all regions and countries across the data period. Graphs are easily modified and can be exported to the clipboard.
- What-if Analysis: Here, users can compare forecast metrics against their own assumptions, including 5 interactive scenarios.
CBRS(市民ブロードバンド無線サービス)市場 – Juniper Research