Global Subscription Economy Market: 2024-2028
世界のサブスクリプションエコノミー市場 2024-2028年
Our Subscription Economy research suite provides a detailed and insightful analysis of this evolving market; enabling stakeholders from payment companies, subscription management platforms, and those with a subscription-based business model to understand future growth, key trends and the competitive environment.
Juniper Research’s Interactive Forecast Excel contains the following functionality:
- Statistics Analysis: Users benefit from the ability to search for specific metrics, for all regions and countries across the data period. Graphs are easily modified and can be exported to the clipboard.
- Country Data Tool: This tool lets users look at metrics for all regions and countries in the forecast period. Users can refine the metrics displayed via a search bar.
- Country Comparison Tool: Users can select and compare specific countries. The ability to export graphs is included in this tool.
- What-if Analysis: Here, users can compare forecast metrics against their own assumptions, via 5 interactive scenarios.