A2Pメッセージング市場 2024-2028年 – Juniper Research

A2P Messaging Market: 2024-2028

A2Pメッセージング市場 2024-2028年 – Juniper Research

ASPメッセージング市場 2024-2028年



Our A2P Messaging research suite provides a detailed and insightful analysis of this established market; highlighting key areas for innovation and future growth. This enables A2P messaging stakeholders to understand key trends within this competitive environment.

The suite includes several different options that can be purchased separately, including access to data mapping the adoption and future growth of A2P messaging. The insightful study uncovers the latest trends and opportunities within the market, and includes a document containing extensive analysis of the 27 market leaders in the A2P messaging space.

The coverage can also be purchased as a Full Research Suite; containing all of these elements, and including a substantial discount.
Collectively, they provide a critical tool for understanding this evolving market; allowing A2P messaging vendors to shape their future strategy. Its unparalleled coverage makes this research suite an incredibly useful resource for charting the future growth across different A2P messaging channels.

A2Pメッセージング市場 2024-2028年 - Juniper Research

Market Data & Forecasting Report

The market-leading research suite for the A2P Messaging market includes access to the full set of forecast data of over 155 tables and over 72,000 datapoints. Metrics in the research suite include:

  • Total Messaging Traffic across 3 Key Channels:
    • OTT Messaging
    • RCS Business Messaging
    • SMS
  • Traffic is further split by key market verticals:
    • Advertising
    • Banking
    • Content Payments
    • Healthcare
    • Operator Engagement
    • Retail
    • Ticketing
  • Total Operator Revenue across SMS and RCS

A2Pメッセージング市場 2024-2028年 – Juniper Research