世界のオフハイウェイ車両向けテレマティクス市場 第6版

出版社 Berg Insight
出版年月 2024年12月

The Global Off-Highway Vehicle Telematics Market – 6th Edition

Berg Insight「世界のオフハイウェイ車両向けテレマティクス市場 第6版 – The Global Off-Highway Vehicle Telematics Market – 6th Edition」は世界のオフハイウェイ車両(OHV)向けテレマティクス市場を調査し、建設、採鉱、農業、林業で使用されているテレマティクスソリューション市場の最新動向を分析・解説しています。

The Global Off-Highway Vehicle Telematics Market is the sixth consecutive report from Berg Insight analysing the latest developments on the market for telematics solutions used in the construction, mining, agriculture and forestry sectors. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with 250 pages of unique business intelligence, including 5-year industry forecasts, expert commentary and real-life case studies on which to base your business decisions.

世界のオフハイウェイ車両向けテレマティクス市場 第6版
The Global Off-Highway Vehicle Telematics Market

Highlights from the report

  • Insights from 30 executive interviews with market-leading companies.
  • Overview of the construction, mining, agriculture and forestry sectors.
  • Profiles of 47 equipment OEMs and their telematics offerings.
  • Comprehensive overview of the off-highway vehicle telematics value chain and key applications.
  • Summary of the latest industry trends and developments.
  • Market forecasts lasting until 2028.

The installed base of off-highway vehicle telematics systems to reach 16.1 million units worldwide by 2028

Berg Insight’s definition of the off-highway vehicle market includes various equipment such as specialised heavy machinery, lighter equipment and other vehicles used in the construction, mining, agriculture and forestry sectors. Off-highway vehicle telematics refers to telematics hardware and associated software solutions deployed for remote monitoring and management of fleets of machinery and equipment used in these sectors. Early initiatives among the heavy equipment OEMs started to emerge already in the 1990s and many manufacturers followed suit in the 2000s. Today, most equipment manufacturers have introduced some type of telematics offerings for their customers, either as a result of in-house development or through collaborative efforts involving third-party technology partners powering telematics solutions commonly under the OEMs’ brands. A wide range of aftermarket solution providers have entered the off-highway vehicle telematics space, offering solutions for various assets including multi-brand equipment fleets and commonly also other types of mobile and stationary equipment and vehicles. Solutions available on the market enable the delivery of vehicle management, operator management and safety management applications linking off-highway machines and enterprise IT systems.